Re: Making things flash...

Wouter de Waal (
Wed, 18 Dec 1996 14:00:19 +0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Wouter de Waal) :

Hi all
>> I want to have a flashing red spot or two on the screen. But I don't
>> specifically want to redraw everything every time. So I thought of changing
>> the color pointed to by FL_FREE_COL1 every now & then, using a timer.
>The problem is likely that your changes are not flushed to the
>server. To force a flush, execute
> XFlush( fl_get_display() );

Nope, sorry, doesn't work :-(

>I do something similar (it's kind of a hack) to flash an object:
> fl_show_object( fd_edit_form->multi_object );

I might have a fair number of little red dots on a couple of screens and I
would like to make them flash without having to go through a list using
fl_show_object. That's why I thought that, if I could change the palette, it
would be better.

Has anybody ever done something like this? I.e. remapping the X palette on
the fly?



Wouter de Waal        Phone : +27 21 683 5490
Development Engineer  Fax   : +27 21 683 5435
CCII Systems
Kenilworth, South Africa