Color Selection Box ...

Petasis Gewrgios (
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 20:35:33 +0200 (WET)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Petasis Gewrgios <> :

Hi all,
I have made a "dialog box" to help user pick a color, from the color map and
also to create a new one. Is anybody interested in anything like that???
And if yes, is there a place i can put it so anybody interested can take it?
I have tested *only* under AIX 4.2 in 255-color and hi color displays ...
Also i am anxious to test it under forms 0.84 (if finally comes out for aix..)
By the way Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy new year!!

PS: (May be at home for about a week and a half! If you try to send mail,
but there is no answer, don;t be disappointed!)