Re: Event callbacks for ordinary forms - how?
Thu, 26 Dec 1996 13:22:28 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from :

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Lamont <> writes:

Steve> To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :
>> I am currently writing my first XForms program, which is a port of an Athena
>> widget/Xt based program. This program among other things shows the elapsed
>> time, even when iconified. So I need to know if the program is iconified or
>> not.
>> [...]
>> Anybody out there who has solved this?

Steve> You might consider registering a signal callback and firing a SIGALRM
Steve> at some appropriate interval. See the Appendix section A.6 (Signals)
Steve> for more detail.

How does this solve my problem of finding out whether the program is iconified
or not?
