About forms...

Avijit Bhattacharya (a0b2655@unix.tamu.edu)
Wed, 15 Jan 1997 10:23:26 -0600 (CST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Avijit Bhattacharya <a0b2655@unix.tamu.edu> :

I just tried to get a copy of forms2.3.tar.Z and was wondering
why it gave me the error called

cc -O -I../FORMS -L../FORMS -s fd_rubber.o fd_select.o fd_names.o fd_objects.o fd_attribs.o fd_forms.o fd_groups.o fd_file.o fd_print.o fd_theforms.o fd_help.o fd_main.o -o fdesign -lforms -lfm_s -lgl_s -lm -lc_s
ld64: FATAL 9: I/O error (-lfm_s): No such file or directory
cc INTERNAL ERROR: /usr/lib32/cmplrs/ld64 returned non-zero status 32
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
*** Error code 1 (bu21)

when I tried to do "make". Also tell me how can I get a copy of
xforms from bxforms-075.tgz ??

Thanks a lot.