
Salaman (alamanni@dada.it)
Thu, 02 Mar 1995 15:29:03 +0000

To subscribers of the xforms list from Salaman <alamanni@dada.it> :

Hi Xformers
I am having a stupid problem using fl_set_input: basically i have a form
with several input fields and the default values for the fields are
loaded from a file. The program should display the values in each input
field using fl_set_input and the user can modify them or not. But using
fl_set_input I cannot see anything in the input fields. This is an
example of the use of fl_set_input:
fl_set_input(fd_ins->txf_ins_data, d.data);
where fd_ins->txf_ins_data is defined in this way
fdui->txf_ins_data = obj =
"Data disegno");
and d.data is an array [132] of chars.
I am using Xforms 0.75 on HP-ux 9.5
I am losing a bunch of time trying to understand what is wrong. Cn
anybody help me?
Thank you for your cooperation
Neri Alamanni