Old libraries

Nelson Yamamoto (yamamoto@lbm.com.br)
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:48:47 -0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from Nelson Yamamoto <yamamoto@lbm.com.br> :

Hi !

I'm developing an application for a friend in the University, and the
Xforms is very useful for me to make the front-end. However, in the
laboratory where the application will run, they have an very old version
of the Linux ( I think 1.2.8 ). And it's virtually impossible make an
upgrade in the laboratory, because the the students don't have
permission to make this. So, does somebody have or know where I can find
the Xforms libraries compiled in the a.out format ?

Thanks for the attention,

                                Nelson Yamamoto
                        e-mail: yamamoto@lbm.com.br
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