Xt (Open Inventor) interaction problems

Mon, 24 Feb 97 15:15:28 EST

To subscribers of the xforms list from rander+@postbox.ius.cs.cmu.edu :

I am trying to use an Open Inventor Xt widget (SoXtRenderArea) in
combination with Xforms and am having some problems. My application
sets up and opens my form, then calls an initialization routine to
set up and open a separate window for the Inventor stuff. I then
want to have *one* event loop that can handle input from both windows.
>From a quick reading of the manual with Xforms, chapter 4, sections
4.3 and 4.4, it looks like any non-forms related XEvents should get
returned by fl_check_forms() and fl_do_forms(), but I am not seeing
this behavior. Regardless of what happens to this Xt window, forms
does not seem to see any of the events.

As far as I can tell, the window is generating events. For example,
using the loop

while (1) {

where InventorCheckEvents() is

void InventorCheckEvents ()
XEvent event;

while ( XtAppPending(myContext) ) {
SoXt::nextEvent (myContext, &event);
SoXt::dispatchEvent (&event);

does handle the window reasonably.

Clearly, it would be preferable to add an events handler for the Xt
window and then just be able to call fl_do_forms(), so that I am
not wasting (CPU) time continually checking the events loop, and so
that I am sure no events are lost or improperly handled.

Any ideas?

-Pete (rander@cs.cmu.edu)
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