Re: Text editing...

Antoine Fortier (
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 16:44:25 -0500 (EST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Antoine Fortier <> :

Hi !

On 06-Mar-97 Gennady Sorokopud wrote:
>You might want to check the new version of the widget in xfmail-1.1-alpha
>(, it has many bugs
>fixed. The widget itself can be considered only a -beta version, it's not ready
>yet for "general" use as a widget, i just made it work more or less good with
>xfmail. However i'm working on the remaining issues/bug fixes , and really soon
>i'm planning to release it separately and upload to the xforms' contrib area.
>As for the error function, i just don't know the name of generic error handling
>function in xforms (TC?). Anyway, this problem can be easily solved.

Thanks again, I put your new widget in my code and it's working fine!

(see that i'm now using xfmail!!!)

I have done some test on your widget and found some specifics bugs, here they

When the width of a text window is smaller than the width of the text,
(so there is a scrollbar) the 'CTRL A' function do not put the cursor home.

Here is what I did to correct this:

old code for 'CTRL A':

    case ctrl('A'):
        if (spec->leftcol) {
                spec->leftcol = 0;
                fl_textedit_set_hscrollbar(ob); }
        else    {
                fl_textedit_movecursor(ob, spec->r, 0);
                spec->cpos = 0;

new code:

      case ctrl('A'):
        if (spec->leftcol) {
                spec->leftcol = 0;
        fl_textedit_movecursor(ob, spec->r, 0);
        spec->cpos = 0;

other bugs:

Sometime, the 'CTRL T' make xfmail crash.

I hope that this will help!!!

By the way, I'm playing now with xfmail and I'm wondering if it can be possible to add the option 'Never unread' (or 'read even if it's unread') to the rules. (Can be usefull with mailing lists)

(I don't know if you understand, I don't have a perfect english!!) (I'm a french canadian!)

- - - Antoine Fortier Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec Varennes, QC, Canada J3X 1S1 1 514 652-8499, poste(2189) - - - It seems like the less a statesman amounts to, the more he loves the flag.

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