Overlapping groups & v0.85 (2 separates questions)

Michel Prevost (mprevost@ec.camitel.com)
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 10:45:14 -0500 (EST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Michel Prevost <mprevost@ec.camitel.com> :

Hi folks.

I have 2 questions here:

1- In a window, I implement tabs with buttons and overlapping groups. There is
some problems with this. When you press a button to make a tab appear, I make
all other groups disappear (fl_hide_object), and make appear the relevant group

According to the doc (v0.80), page 17: "You can also make overlapping groups
in the form and take care that only one of them is visible." Unfortunately,
this partly work.

When I press a button to make another tab than the one shown appear, the new
group appears but the previous one leaves some garbage behind it. Sometimes,
some of the objects of the miss. It is interesting to see that the behavior is
not the same from time to time.

Has somebody here ever ran into this kind of problem? I've checked everything
and I can't find what is wrong. I'm currently using v0.81, and I plan to move
to v0.85, and you will see why I'm still on v0.81 if you keep reading this mail.

2- Last week, I decided to download v0.84 of xforms, hoping that some bugs
I had came from xforms and that they where fixed. Everything was fine. I
recompiled my program. I got errors, "Bad arguments list for function
fl_show_question". It seemed that the order of arguments have changed for
this function from v0.81 to v0.84.

I tried to find the doc for v0.84, but the only one I found was for v0.80,
which I already have.

Is there many changes like this one? Where are they documented?

Also, Xfmail refused to run on v0.84. So I turned back to v0.81.


E-Mail: Michel Prevost <mprevost@ec.camitel.com>
Date: 18-Mar-97
Time: 10:45:14

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