fl_delete_choice causes core dump

Jeff Drost (jeff@creeping.ivy.net)
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 15:41:55 -0500 (EST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Jeff Drost <jeff@creeping.ivy.net> :

I am coding a browser like interface, and want to use a choice for the
history list, but I want a maximum on the number of choices. If a user's
history is bigger that.. say 5 choices, I want to delete the oldest choice
before I append the newest one. Is there any way to do this? I have
tried the following, but it causes a core dump when I delete for the
second time. It's almost as if once I delete choice 1, the index 1 is
deleted and then the lowest choice index is 2. I would hope this is not
the case.

/*---- add the file to history list ---- */

if (fl_get_choice_maxitems(main_window->c_link) >= 5)
fl_delete_choice(main_window->c_link, 1);

fl_get_input(main_window->i_file) );

/*---- load the file into browser ---- */

Thanks a lot for the time,
Jeff Drost

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