Re: problems with fdesign

Dr. T.C. Zhao (
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 23:49:51 -0600

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Dr. T.C. Zhao" <> :

>I seem to be having some odd problems woth fdesign, I have a .fd file
>with about 8 forms in it some large some small, and sometimes when

When you say sometimes, can you be a bit more specific ?
I tried this (acutally, a couple of fdesign GUI panels are in
a single .fd file) and can't seem to reproduce this problem.

I remember seeing Kees Lemmens's message where he
mentioned he also had this problem, so it might
be a problem I can reproduce in my environment
if I know how.

>selecting the next form that form will get resized to the size of the
>last form displayed. This results in small forms being very large, and
>large forms being very small,

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