fl_set_timer/fl_add_timer problems

Jeroen Bleyenbergh (jebe@dutllu1.lr.tudelft.nl)
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 15:20:21 +0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from jebe@dutllu1.lr.tudelft.nl (Jeroen Bleyenbergh) :

Hello all, hope someone can help me with this problem

Today I decided to install the newest version of xforms, I was already using v0.86 but there was a browser not displaying, and i remembered some sort of bug with the browser object. Anyway I downloaded the newest version from einstein ftp site and installed it, but now I have problems while linking:

The error message looks like this:

Linking .....:
ild: (undefined symbol) fl_set_timer -- referenced in the text segment of ../tooltips//libtooltips.a: tooltips.o
ild: (undefined symbol) fl_add_timer -- referenced in the text segment of ../tooltips//libtooltips.a: tooltips.o
ild: (undefined symbol) XpmLibraryVersion -- referenced in the text segment of /opt/xforms/FORMS/libforms.a: pixmap.o

I had no problems in previous versions and previous release of v0.86, and migrating to the latest Xforms is ([presumably]) the only change I made. So:
Do the functions fl_set_timer/fl_add_timer no longer exist?,
or should I update (any|some) library(s)?

Please help me out,

BTW I try to provide you with more information but please tell me what do, since questions like what is your version number? what library are you using can only be answered if yuo tell me how to do that!

Thanks for any hints on this
I'm using the tooltips library 0.02f
Running on Solaris 2.5
SunOS Release 5.5

the options I use to compile are:
set fr_home = /opt/xforms
set xpm_home = /vol/xpaint/xpm
CC -g -I../tooltips -I$fr_home/FORMS -I/vol/openwin/share/include -c $file
CC -g -o chaince $files -L../tooltips/ -L$fr_home/FORMS -L/vol/openwin/lib -L$xpm_home -lgen -lforms -lXpm -lX11 -lm -ltooltips -I$fr_home/FORMS -I/vol/openwin/share/include

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