XForms: XForms Browser Bug

Steven Ness (sness@poirot.mmid.ualberta.ca)
Tue, 20 May 1997 17:39:42 -0600 (MDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Steven Ness <sness@poirot.mmid.ualberta.ca> :

On Tue, 20 May 1997, Steven Ness wrote:

> To subscribers of the xforms list from Steven Ness <sness@poirot.mmid.ualberta.ca> :
> I'm executing fl_hide_object and fl_show_object on a FL_NORMAL_BROWSER.
> Before forking off a child process, this browser gets hidden and reshown
> properly. I'm just filling this browser with lines with
> fl_addto_browser, after these addto commands, I have both right side and
> bottom scroll bars.
> After I fork off a child process, fl_hide_object hides most of the
> browser but leaves the right side scroll bar shown (and strange enough, it's
> still active, I can drag it up and down).

After more tests, I found that the behaviour I was seeing wasn't due to
forking. In 0.86.1, if you use fl_addto_browser to add lines to a hidden
browser, the main browser stays hidden, but the scroll bars reappear.

They can't be hidden with a simple fl_hide_object(browser), you have to
first fl_show_object(browser) then hide it again.

Sorry for my earlier traffic with the forking behaviour, I automatically
assumed that this behaviour was caused by all the forking I was doing.

I can provide a code snippet that reproduces this behaviour, if that
would be helpful.

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