XForms: fdesign wibnis

Dick Middleton (dick@sqf.hp.com)
Mon, 2 Jun 1997 17:31:51 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from Dick Middleton <dick@sqf.hp.com> :

A couple of enhancements to fdesign which would suit me are:

1) A "new" menu option to create a new forms file. Currently you have to
quit and restart to create a new file.

2) The ability to add #include directives in the forms design. This is
mostly so that callback arguments can be defined elsewhere.

Just wishing.



dick@sqf.hp.com _________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe" to xforms-request@bob.usuf2.usuhs.mil or see http://bob.usuf2.usuhs.mil/mailserv/xforms.html Xforms Home Page: http://bragg.phys.uwm.edu/xforms List Archive: http://bob.usuf2.usuhs.mil/mailserv/list-archives/