XForms: 3D dial

Orlando Andico (orly@gibson.eee.upd.edu.ph)
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 15:44:20 +0800 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Orlando Andico <orly@gibson.eee.upd.edu.ph> :


First: this is my first attempt to make a new object class for XForms,
so it's not very pretty.

I read through the manual, followed the tutorial, and I've hacked
together a 3D dial object class. It's supposed to be just like the
ordinary dial (you just replace, for example, fl_create_dial() with
fl_create_dial3d() and so forth) and all the ordinary dial functions are
there (although some of them are just stubs).

So: it's mostly broken, but it works well enough if all you want is a
nice 3D dial with basic functionality. I'd rather like to see the 3D
look-and-feel in the normal dial (more below) but if anyone wants this,
I'll gladly send you the source.

I don't have the XForms source, so I can't change it, but if possible
can this be in the next release? it's pretty easy to make the circular
dial 3D, you just use a couple of fl_arc() functions, one of them from
45-deg to 225-deg with color FL_BOTTOM_BCOL and another from -135-deg to
45-deg with color FL_TOP_BCOL. That will give you an embossed dial face
(like the 3D roundbutton). The same technique can be used to give a sunk
circular dial pointer, although I don't know how to relieve an arbitrary
line, which is why I didn't support FL_LINE_DIAL. Modifying the existing
dial to do this is much easier than writing my own, so I hope this feature
gets added..


Orlando Alcantara Andico
WWW: /cgi-bin/exit-to?http://www2.mozcom.com/~orly/ Email: orly@mozcom.com
ICBM: 14 deg. 30' N, 120 deg. 59' E POTS: (+632) 932-2385

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