XForms: "Wallpaper" for a form?

Francine Taylor (crystalx@teleport.com)
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 13:18:44 -0700 (PDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Francine Taylor <crystalx@teleport.com> :

I need to be able to "wallpaper" a form, using a bitmap or something to
"paper" the back of a form. I tried just putting a bitmap object up which
covers part of the screen and then I put a button on top of it. Problem
is that the button seems to be covered by the bitmap until I pass my mouse
over it, then it appears. I could do an fl_redraw_object on the button to
make it appear, but if I was going to do the wallpaper idea I'd have to
redraw all the objects except the bitmap.

Is there an easy way to make the application draw the bitmap first, or to
have the bitmap underneath everything? I tried to make sure the bitmap
was Lowered when I created it in the Form Designer, and I also physically
went in and changed the order of the objects in the .h file, making the
bitmap the first object in the form structure and neither of those things

/ ^ ^ \
Francine Taylor (\| (o)(o) |/) crystalx@teleport.com

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