XForms: Using X selections

Robert S. Mallozzi (mallors@crazyhorse.msfc.nasa.gov)
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 09:16:07 -0500 (CDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Robert S. Mallozzi" <mallors@crazyhorse.msfc.nasa.gov> :

Hi everyone,

I am trying to get the following to work:

1. User selects a menu item
2. A string keyed by the menu item is copied to the
X clipboard, or possibly XA_PRIMARY, for pasting into
other X applications

I am having trouble getting this to work. The X selection
routines require parameters like an X widget (of type Widget),
the time of the event (of type Time), etc. Does anyone have an example
of how I claim ownership of the selection, and then copy data to
the clipboard? Thanks,


Dr. Robert S. Mallozzi
University of Alabama in Huntsville

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