XForms: more double buffering strangeness

Steve Lamont (spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu)
Wed, 9 Jul 97 11:16:23 PDT

To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) :

I'm working on a project which uses a rather complicated Free object
handler. As part of the updating of the Free object, I find it
necessary for the Free object's handler to update other objects in the

This works as expected except in form double buffer mode. In double
buffer mode, as invoked by the -double command line flag, the form
hangs and blurps

In PutBackEvent [events.c 318] Q overflow
PutBackEvent Event(6,w=0x380001c s=1092) MotionNotify Mode Normal

messages as you wave the cursor over the form.

Is it legal to make non-drawing calls (such as fl_set_slider_value())
or fl_redraw_object() calls for objects other than the Free object in
the Free object handler?

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