XForms: segv on fl_show_forms

Martin Bartlett (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 16:35:12 +0000 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Martin Bartlett <martin@nitram.demon.co.uk> :

Anyone seen this. 0.86, Linux 2.0.30 on a thinkpad. The application is a
simple 'grepper' that shows a browser with grep results. command line is

xgrep <thing-to-grep-for> <files to grep in>

when done like this

xgrep PIterator o*.[ch]

it works (argv ends up being 23 items long)

When it is

xgrep PIterator *.[ch]

it segv's in the fl_show_form function. argv is, this time, 143 items

The application has a 're-search' capability. It allows you to modify the
thing to grep for and re-grep. When called with a blank command line and
this re-grep is used, with the above 143 item list, it works fine.

Also, if I mess with the options by passing fl_initialize a count and
pointer that indicate no options, the problem also disappears.

So, I suspect fl_initialize of foul play.

Any thoughts?
_/ _/_/_/_/
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_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ Martin John Bartlett
_/ _/ _/ _/ (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
_/ _/_/_/_/
_/ _/

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