XForms: comments on 0.87

Thomas Pundt (pundtt@math.uni-muenster.de)
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 10:27:14 +0200 (MET DST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Thomas Pundt <pundtt@math.uni-muenster.de> :


I've just converted the current version of XFMail to use the new
tabfolder container instead of the "home" made solution it currently
uses and found some flaws.

o Documentation
Under "Interaction" you write that "the tabbed folder object is
returned to the application program" if the user selects a
different folder. As you later write, this is at least not totally
correct. There is no way to obtain this kind of status change from
within a "do { obj=fl_do_only_forms(); } while..." statement.

At first I kind of misunderstood the comments on the backface of the
folder and chose to use FL_NO_BOX for the folders (i.e. the forms),
which had the effect that redrawing wasn't done correctly :-) Now the
tabfolder itself (the container) is a FL_UP_BOX and each of the
folders is a FL_FLAT_BOX.

o fl_set_folder_bynumber() routine
This routine currently only works after the form is shown and some
drawing has occured. To preset a folder I now use


/* Hack to make fl_set_folder_bynumber() work */
fl_set_folder_bynumber(config_display_form->tab, dnr);

which works, but isn't nice IMO. At least, XFMail now works using
the new tabfolder container :-)

At last two questions:
o is a Solaris version of xforms-0.87 planned?
o is there a way to bind both <Ctrl-d> and the Delete-Key of my
keyboard to the function "delete next char"? Or more general:
to bind multiple keys to one function?


Thomas Pundt ------------------------ http://wwwmath.uni-muenster.de/~pundtt
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet | pundtt@math.uni-muenster.de
Einsteinstr. 62, D-48149 Muenster | Edith-Stein-Str. 9, D-48149 Muenster
d: (+49) 251 - 83 33747 | p: (+49) 251 - 273305
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