XForms: Tool tips no longer work under 0.87

Richard Kent (kent@hydra.dra.hmg.gb)
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 16:44:10 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Richard Kent" <kent@hydra.dra.hmg.gb> :

Just a quickie ;)

I have just downloaded and installed the latest test version of XForms (0.87).
The tooltips library no longer functions under 0.87 (it crashes when the
tooltips disappear). Whether this is due to the tooltips code or some change
from 0.86 to 0.87 I am not sure - just thought I'd point it out.

Keep up the good work !!


| Name - Richard Kent |
| EMail - kent@hydra.dra.hmg.gb |
| Plan - All work and no play.....hi ho, hi ho |

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