Re: XForms: Delete key

Emmet Caulfield (
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 15:06:11 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from Emmet Caulfield <> :

Martin Bartlett <> wrote :
> OK, the standard Linux users question: How do I get the pc Delete key to
> delete the next character in input fields, not the previous. I have this
> in Xterm, Netscape, Applix etc - but not Xforms!!
I have to admit, I had the same problem, your question inspired me to find
the solution and share :) Here's a demonstration hacked together from the
HTML version of the documentation and the goodies demo.

Hopefully, I can stop lurking in shame at the silliness of my last question
to the list now ;-)


--- snip ----

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "forms.h"

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int choice;
char str1[100],str2[100];
const char *s;
FL_EditKeymap ekm;

fl_initialize(&argc, argv, "Backspace", 0, 0);

/* Before: DEL works like BKSPC */
strcpy(str1,(s=fl_show_input("Give a string:","")) ? s:"");
fl_show_message("You typed:","",str1);

/* This is the business part */
memset(&ekm, 0 , sizeof(ekm)); /* zero struct */
ekm.del_prev_char = 8; /* control-H */
ekm.del_next_char = 127; /* delete */


/* After DEL works like DEL */
strcpy(str2,(s=fl_show_input("Give another string:",str1)) ? s:"<Cancel>");
fl_show_message("You typed:","",str2);
fl_show_messages("Good Bye");
return 0;

--- SNIP ---

.------------------------ Emmet Caulfield ------------------------.
|        ** Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur **          |
|          [Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound]       ;-)  |

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