XForms: Linux question

Dick Middleton (dick@sqf.hp.com)
Tue, 5 Aug 1997 15:04:12 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from Dick Middleton <dick@sqf.hp.com> :

Sorry, this isn't exactly an xforms question but I know there's lots of Linux
know-how out there. I'm trying to port my xforms app from hp-ux to linux and
I've come unstuck on trig maths of float type. Can somebody point me to a
library of math functions (sin, cos, sqrt, abs etc) for type float on linux

Many thanks



dick@sqf.hp.com _________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, send the message "unsubscribe" to xforms-request@bob.usuf2.usuhs.mil or see http://bob.usuf2.usuhs.mil/mailserv/xforms.html Xforms Home Page: http://bragg.phys.uwm.edu/xforms List Archive: http://bob.usuf2.usuhs.mil/mailserv/list-archives/