Re: XForms: X Selections & xforms

Dr. T.C. Zhao (
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 02:41:24 -0500

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Dr. T.C. Zhao" <> :

from "Robert S. Mallozzi" <> :

>In ClipBoard [clipboard.c 134] Internal Error
>So my question is this: Are we prohibited from using native Xlib calls
>to handle X Selections now that it is build in to xforms? One would
>hope not...

I don't know how you handles the selection events (using
the unhandled XEvent leakage from from fl_do_forms ?), if
this is the case, I could let the selection event
leak thru fl_do_forms as before when xforms don't
know what do to with it.

>PS Wish list: it sure would be nice to be able to actually look at
> clipboard.c to see where the error was occurring.

You got your wish. The error message *may* have been
fixed in the current code attached below.

* $Id: clipboard.c,v 0.12 1997/07/22 22:23:28 zhao Exp $
* This file is part of XForms package
* Copyright (c) 1997 T.C. Zhao and Mark Overmars
* All rights reserved.
* Implementation of clipboard. Event handling violates the ICCCM,
* but should work ok. Need server time from the mainloop.

#include "forms.h"

typedef struct
FL_OBJECT *ob; /* the object that stuff'ed cp */
FL_OBJECT *req_ob; /* the object that requested cp */
Window window;
Window req_window;
long type, size;
FL_LOSE_SELECTION_CB lose_callback;
FL_SELECTION_CB got_it_callback;
/* the following not really used */
const void *data;
void *losecb_data;
void *gotitcb_data;

static ClipBoard clipboard, *cp;

fl_stuff_clipboard(FL_OBJECT * ob, long type, const void *data, long size,
FL_LOSE_SELECTION_CB lose_callback)
Window win = FL_ObjWin(ob);

cp = &clipboard;

if (!win)
M_err("StuffClipBoard", "Bad object %s", ob ? ob->label : "null");
return 0;

XSetSelectionOwner(fl_display, XA_PRIMARY, win, CurrentTime);

/* make sure we got it */
if (XGetSelectionOwner(fl_display, XA_PRIMARY) != win)
M_err("StuffClipBoard", "Failed to Get owner");
return 0;

/* create structure that holds clipboard info */
cp->window = win;
cp->ob = ob;
cp->data = data;
cp->size = size;
cp->lose_callback = lose_callback;

/* cheap (and fast!) shot */
XStoreBuffer(fl_display, data, size, 0);
return size;

static Atom clipboard_prop;
static Atom targets_prop;

fl_request_clipboard(FL_OBJECT * ob, long type,
FL_SELECTION_CB got_it_callback)
Window win;
void *thebuf;
int nb = 0;

cp = &clipboard;
cp->req_ob = ob;

if (!clipboard_prop)
clipboard_prop = XInternAtom(fl_display, "FL_CLIPBOARD", False);

cp->got_it_callback = got_it_callback;
cp->req_window = FL_ObjWin(ob);

win = XGetSelectionOwner(fl_display, XA_PRIMARY);

/* nothing can be done if there is no owner, but we still should call
got_it_callback in case the caller blocks waiting for the call. */
if (win == None)
nb = 0;
cp->got_it_callback(cp->req_ob, FL_NONE, "", nb);
else if (win != cp->req_window)
/* we don't own it. Request it */
cp->req_window, CurrentTime);

else if (win == cp->req_window)
/* we own the buffer */
thebuf = XFetchBuffer(fl_display, &nb, 0);
cp->got_it_callback(cp->req_ob, XA_STRING, thebuf, nb);

return nb;

fl_handle_clipboard(void *event)
XSelectionRequestEvent *sreq = event;
XEvent *xev = event;
XSelectionEvent sev;
int what = xev->type;
char *s;
int n;

if (!targets_prop)
targets_prop = XInternAtom(fl_display, "TARGETS", False);
if (!clipboard_prop)
clipboard_prop = XInternAtom(fl_display, "FL_CLIPBOARD", False);

cp = &clipboard;

if (!cp->req_window && !cp->window)
M_err("ClipBoard", "InternalError");
return -1;

if (what == SelectionClear)
cp->lose_callback(cp->ob, cp->type);
cp->ob = 0;
cp->window = 0;
else if (what == SelectionNotify && cp->req_ob)
/* our request went thru. Go and get it */
Atom ret_type;
int ret_format;
unsigned long ret_len = 0, ret_after;
unsigned char *ret = 0;
/* X gurantees 16K request size */
long chunksize = fl_context->max_request_size, offset = 0;
char *buf = 0, buflen = 0;

/* Get the stuff. Repeat until we get them all */

XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, xev->xselection.requestor,
xev->, offset, chunksize,
False, xev->, &ret_type,
&ret_format, &ret_len, &ret_after, &ret);

if (ret_len && ret)
if (ret_after == 0 && !buf)
cp->got_it_callback(cp->req_ob, ret_type, ret, ret_len);
if (!buf)
buf = fl_malloc(1);
buflen = 0;

buf = fl_realloc(buf, buflen + ret_len);
memcpy(buf + buflen, ret, ret_len);
buflen += ret_len;

ret = 0;

offset += ret_len * ret_format / 32;
chunksize = (ret_after + 3) / 4;

if (chunksize > fl_context->max_request_size)
chunksize = fl_context->max_request_size;
while (ret_after);

if (buflen)
cp->got_it_callback(cp->req_ob, ret_type, buf, buflen);

XDeleteProperty(fl_display, xev->xselection.requestor,
else if (SelectionRequest)
/* someone wants our selection */

M_warn("clipboard", "SelectionRequest");

if (sreq->owner != cp->window)
M_err("ClipBoard", "Wrong owner");
return -1;

/* now sets the things to the requestor */
sev.type = SelectionNotify;
sev.display = sreq->display;
sev.requestor = sreq->requestor;
sev.selection = sreq->selection; = sreq->target; = None;
sev.time = sreq->time;

if (sreq->selection == XA_PRIMARY)
if (sreq->target == XA_STRING)
s = XFetchBuffer(fl_display, &n, 0);
sreq->requestor, sreq->property, sreq->target,
8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) s, n); = sreq->property;
else if (sreq->target == targets_prop) /* aixterm wants this */
Atom alist = XA_STRING;
sreq->requestor, sreq->property, XA_ATOM,
32, PropModeReplace,
(unsigned char *) &alist, 1); = sreq->property;
/* if we have other types, conversion routine should be
called here */
M_err("ClipBoard", "Unknown target: %d\n", sreq->target);

XSendEvent(fl_display, sreq->requestor, False, 0, (XEvent *) & sev);
/* not XA_PRIMARY request */
M_err("ClipBoard", "Unknown selection request: %d", sreq->selection);

return 0;

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