Re: XForms: drawing a line in fl_add_free from a data file

Raoul Beauduin (
Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:53:39 +0900

To subscribers of the xforms list from Raoul Beauduin <> :

> > Looks as if XForms has lost track of the object's Window for one
> > reason or another. You might try calling
> >
> > fl_winset( FL_ObjWin( free_object ) );
> >
> > to make sure you're pointing to the right place.
> Thank you. It worked. But an other problem occured.
> I am using Fvwm2 as window manager. Every time i change of screen and
> come back, the lines i have drawn in fl_add_free have all disappeared.
> How can I make them stick to the free object?

Oups! correction! When I change of desktop, the lines are deleted.
Inside a desktop, moving from one screen to another and then back to
where the application is, does not delete the lines.
Any explanation?

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