XForms: updating form with blocked read from socket connection.

Neil Schonwald (nschonwa@shoebox.sr.unh.edu)
Fri, 29 Aug 1997 09:41:34 -0400 (EDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from nschonwa@shoebox.sr.unh.edu (Neil Schonwald) :

I have an Xforms app that involves reading from a socket connection
in real-time. The reads are blocking and the data comes up every 2-4
seconds making updating the Form very choppy. For a section of code
I manage to do a fork with one process updating the form and the other
waiting for a socket accept. When I start reading, I would really like
not to have to fork at every read. Is there another way? Like a do-while
loop with fl_check_forms() or fl_set_idle_callback but I can't figure
out how to use the latter with the info in the manual.

Neil Schonwald
| Neil Schonwald | e-mail neils@unh.edu or |
| Comptel/ Gamma Ray Observatory | nschonwa@comptel.sr.unh.edu |
| University of N.H. | |


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