Re: XForms: Class inheritance: Jacques's class design

Georges Khaznadar (
Fri, 05 Sep 1997 15:52:34 +0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from Georges Khaznadar <> :

Matthew Flax wrote:
> I was fiddling with c++ class structures.
> so if I do either of the following :
> Show("SubForm1"); // OR
> ChildClass::Show("SubForm1");
> No sub form appears.
> If on the other hand I do the following :
> fl_show_form(ChildClass::Form(), .....);
> Then the correct sub form appears. whoopie!

Is the Show method of your classes a virtual one ?

if not, the real method called is determined at compile-time,
accordingly to a data or data pointer type.

Georges Khaznadar,
Laboratoire de Dynamique et Structure des Materiaux Moleculaires
Equipe de Thermophysique de la Matiere Condensee - URA CNRS 801
Universite du Littoral, MREID,145 Route du Pertuis d'Amont
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