XForms: [const] char * fl_get_input(FL_Object *ob);

Andre M. Hedrick (hedrick@Astro.Dyer.Vanderbilt.Edu)
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 00:25:45 -0500 (CDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Andre M. Hedrick" <hedrick@Astro.Dyer.Vanderbilt.Edu> :

I have no clues or ideas left on this minor detail.

Is there a way to clear the contents of a fl_get_input form.

It would be nice after I get the contents of any type of
fl_get_input, that I could clear what ever in the [words of choice],
no where to be found, [const] char * buffer that is attached to
the FL_Object. It is fine for me to know that <ctrl> U will
clear the buffer, but end-users sometimes go "duh?" with things
this complex.

I thought about filters and resetting the *oldstr to NULL/(void *),
but that seemed to be major overkill for the answer. Has someone out
there figured a solution, or is this a "DGD" problem.

"DGD" -> Don't Give a Damn

Andre Hedrick

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