Re: XForms: Problems with synchronos processing

Steve Lamont (
Fri, 12 Sep 97 10:19:39 PDT

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> It's not cleaner when you want to avoid multiple threads, and
> you have lots of bidirectional I/O going on that must be handled in
> sequence by the nature of what is being done. To allow this to
> function via an I/O callback would require adding some state, wrapping
> all calls to disable all user input during the time it was busy, and
> adding an incredibly complex parser to try and figure out exactly what
> this incoming data related to, all in millisec timing. ...

There's no need to use multiple threads when using I/O callbacks. You
just add a handler to service the descriptor. It may require some
small amount of state but if all you're doing is shoveling bits from
one descriptor to another, I'm not sure you'd even need to do that.
I see no need for special parsing.

I only suggest using I/O callbacks because it eventually is more
general and flexible if the application needs to do other things while
buffers are being shuffled by the O/S.

However, it's your application and you know best what's needed.

Good luck.

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