Re: XForms: Problems with synchronos processing

Dr. Dikoma C. Shungu (
Sat, 13 Sep 1997 04:53:00 -0400 (EDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Dr. Dikoma C. Shungu" <> :

|> To subscribers of the xforms list from Marisa Giancarla
|> <> :
|> >>>>> "Dikoma" == Dikoma C Shungu <>
|> writes:
|> Dikoma> Nothing to add here, except that I fully & *strongly*
|> Dikoma> agree with Steve's [spl] last point here. I would opt for
|> Dikoma> asynchronous I/O. I will elaborate if the poster wants me
|> Dikoma> to, but it is cleaner (just dealt with something like
|> Dikoma> today!)
|> It's not cleaner when you want to avoid multiple threads, and
|> you have lots of bidirectional I/O going on that must be handled in
|> sequence by the nature of what is being done. To allow this to
|> function via an I/O callback would require adding some state, wrapping
|> all calls to disable all user input during the time it was busy, and
|> adding an incredibly complex parser to try and figure out exactly what
|> this incoming data related to, all in millisec timing. It could be
|> done by spawning a whole subtask which sat there and did all the work,
|> and then I could simply lock the UI while it was busy, but the whole
|> point of what I am doing is to try and eleminate having a seperate UI
|> and back-end.
|> Like I said, the default behavior is exactly what I want, with
|> the exception that I would like to be able to update a status display
|> in the xforms controlled window while it is locked.


I skipped work because right now my Baltimore Birds are playing the New York
Yankees in Baltimore (I live in NY so I should be rooting for the Yanks; but
having "done time" [4 yrs of postdoc are equivalent] at Johns Hopkins in
Baltimore, I can't let go of the Orioles.) We just got creamed for the
second day in a row! All of a sudden the O's look mortal... Although the
yanks have to overcome a 7.5-game deficit, a sweep (2 more games) may change

I want to think some more about your 'problem' now that I think I see
(said the blind man) what you're attempting to do. I just read Steve's reply
and the last thing I wish to do is argue with spl without having my facts

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Dikoma C. Shungu, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Radiology / Medical Physics|
The Hatch NMR Research Center | The Neurological Institute of New York |
College of Physicians & Surgeons | Columbia University | 710 W 168th Street |
New York, New York 10032 | |
Phone: 212-305-6986 | FAX: 212-305-7351 | Pager: 917-424-5511 |
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