XForms: OpenGL, MotionNotify

Matthias Rarey (Matthias.Rarey@gmd.de)
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 09:27:26 +0200 (MET DST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Matthias Rarey <Matthias.Rarey@gmd.de> :

Hi everybody,

I am writing a program with interactive 3D graphics
using xforms and OpenGL/MESA. To control the scene
via the mouse, I have added a canvas handler for
MotionNotify (fl_add_canvas_handler()). The movement
of even very small scenes is not smooth. I have the
feeling that there is a problem with the X event
queue such that there are not enough MotionNotify
events send to the application program, but I am
not an expert on X programming.

Has anybody suggestions how to solve this problem
(or even a piece of code) ?

Thanks in advance,


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