XForms: Tabs take up one char?

Stephan Bezoen (bezoen@lostcity.nl)
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 14:11:22 +0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from Stephan Bezoen <bezoen@lostcity.nl> :


This seems a somewhat silly thing to me, but apparently embedded tabs ('\t')
in strings added to a browser are seen as one single character. This is at
least what I conclude from the behaviour of such a browser in a program I am
writing, in which the horizontal slider, if ever visible, is not sized
according to the actual length of the longest string, but covers a much
smaller width. For strings that are slightly larger than the width of the
browser, this implies that the horizontal slider is not visible at all. When
tabs are replaced by spaces, the slider works fine, but then again, nothing
beats tabs where column spacing is concerned. So...
I am running XForms 0.86 on LINUX-Intel.

Stephan Bezoen
* Stephan Bezoen - Lost Boys Interactive
* Herengracht 280
* 1016 BX Amsterdam
* The Netherlands.
* tel. (+31) 20 4203371
* fax. (+31) 20 4203356
* e-mail: bezoen@lostcity.nl

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