XForms: Xforms4Perl 0.8 is on /pub/xforms/Contrib

Martin Bartlett (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
Tue, 23 Sep 1997 15:46:24 +0000 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Martin Bartlett <martin@nitram.demon.co.uk> :

I have put another testing release of the perl binding for Xforms out on


named Xforms4Perl-0.8.tgz

It has been upgraded to support the current Xforms 0.87.2 testing release,
along with 0.86, for which it contains some fixes. IT NO LONGER SUPPORTS

The only new things in 0.87.2 that are missing in the binding are the
PostScript stuff, which is probably going to remain out, and the new
xyplot point drawer callback, which will probably appear in the next cut.

There are some new demos, including an interactive grepper, a cursor
selector, and a copy of the new scrollbar demo.

Testers would be appreciated - especially for other-platform compiles (it
was done under Linux).

Wildly ecstatic testamonials would also be appreciated!!

PS. Linux Journal confirms that they have an article on Xforms4Perl ready
to publish in the next couple of months. I would like to get as many bugs
as possible ironed out before then.

_/ _/_/_/_/
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_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ Martin John Bartlett
_/ _/ _/ _/ (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
_/ _/_/_/_/
_/ _/

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