Re: XForms: A suggestion...

Steve Lamont (
Fri, 26 Sep 97 17:37:46 PDT

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> ...or, like my old teach used to explain interrupts. If you're
> expecting someone for dinner, and you're doing the cooking. Which
> makes more sense, to be busy in the kitchen and run every minute to
> the door to see if your guests are there? To hire a maid to do the
> cooking and sit by the peep hole until your guests arrive so you can
> see them arrive? ...or, do the cooking and open the door for your
> guests when the bell rings? :-)

Which is exactly why I suggested using the signal catching
capabilities of XForms. If the interface isn't doing anything and
there's no signal to be processed, XForms sits in a select() staring
off into file descriptor space. If there's activity on the X
connection or other file descriptor (which you'd provide), there's a
signal, or a the select times out (if you've set a timer), then XForms
wakes up, does its interface management, and then hands off control to
any registered service routines. Very few wasted CPU cycles.

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