XForms: setting mouse cursor (angain.. sorry)

KUBINSZKY Ferenc (kubi18@eik.bme.hu)
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 12:45:25 +0200 (MET DST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from KUBINSZKY Ferenc <kubi18@eik.bme.hu> :

Hi !

I tried to set the mouse cursor in a free object.
Itried the built in X cursors /cursorfonts.h.../, and above 64th cursor,
I got a warning message :
In AddCursor [cursor.c 65] too many cursors

This is a runtime message, but the program kept running.
I also tried some bitmap cursors.When I created them I received this
message too.
I only could create about 25 cursors, and no more.
I have to use about 60-100 different cursors... :(

Is there an routine which deletes the created bitmap cursor ?
The XFreeCursor(..) will do ?

Succed subscribing :)


Kubinszky Ferenc, kubi18@goliat.eik.hu

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