Re: XForms: Xforms: Changing the background of forms

Steve Lamont (
Mon, 13 Oct 97 06:10:17 PDT

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> Anybody has any idea how to change the background
> color of the forms. The default is dark grey
> which is very dull and dreary.

You may do this in fdesign by clicking the right mouse button on the
background to select the object, then opening the Attribute dialog and
selecting Color 1. A colormap dialog will appear. Click on your
favorite color. It's just like editing any other XForms object.

This raises one of the things for which been I've been asking for some
time: a way to specify the default colors, by way a command line
option, a resource, or even through a dialog. I almost never use the
default color (I think it's kinda dreary myself) and would prefer a
way of setting things automagically. What say, TC?


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