XForms: XForms use

Steve Lamont (spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu)
Mon, 20 Oct 97 06:17:27 PDT

To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) :

Since folks are wondering about XForms use -- we're not a commercial
operation but we use XForms in a number of applications, some of which
are fairly high profile.

Our CMDA (Collaboratory for Microscopic Digital Anatomy aka
Telemicroscopy) project uses XForms for its GUI.

We also use it for several tools around our lab, some of which are
made freely available for use in the scientific community:

XPtomo - a tool for semi-automatically operating an electron
microscope to gather tomographic tilt series images
on film
XFido -- a fiducial marking tool to aid in aligning tomographic
tilt series images prior to reconstruction
XVoxtrace Version 2 -
a tool for interactively tracing contours of tomographic
reconstructions (fully automatic contouring almost never
works in EM tomo applications) (This version still in
XDend -- a tool for computing length, surface area, and volume
of dentritic spines (dendrites are the long, threadlike
extensions of a nerve cell)

Check our web pages <http://www-ncmir.ucsd.edu> (note the dash) if
you're interested in our work.

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