Re: XForms: Drawing an object, within a callback

Orn E. Hansen (
Tue, 04 Nov 1997 23:20:05 +0100 (CET)

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Orn E. Hansen" <> :

=DEann 04-Nov-97 skrifar Steve Lamont:
> If you mean an XForms object, yes. Use fl_show_object(). The object
> will be shown as soon as control is returned to XForms, either by
> returning from the callback or by calling fl_check_forms(). This, of
> course, assumes that the object has been created in the appropriate
> manner.
> If you mean just plain drawing, refer to the drawing functions
> (fl_drw_*()).
> The manual should have sufficient detail for you to work out the rest
> either way.
I was thinking in the lines of a function, that would realize the
object. I have a text_object, that I use to display messages and shows
the progress of program while it is within a loop... thus not giving
control to XForms. I had tried calling 'fl_draw_object_label', but
the label only was visual after control was return to XForms.

Thinks for the tip, I know am able to accomplish it by calling
fl_check_forms(), although probably expensive as it does more than
just draw the object.



Orn Einar Hansen               
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194
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