Re: XForms: problems with fl_get_choice_text

Giorgos Petasis (
Thu, 6 Nov 1997 08:56:40 +0200 (EET)

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Giorgos Petasis) :

> To subscribers of the xforms list from Bjoern Fuerst <> :
> sscanf((char *)datum(),"%*s %s %d %s %d",monat,&tag,time_string,&jahr);

Are you sure that everything is correct with this sscanf??? The format
string has more identifiers that the variable pointers you pass to it.
I thing you should check what you get in those variables (what are tag and
jahr? I assume they are just simple variables, because you specify an
address, and not arrays of chars, where you should have placed e.g.
&tag[0]. But the format assumes that is a string, so if not null, will
return at least 2 characters)
Just an assumption :)
Could you make a simple program, that shows the problem?
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