XForms: Re: An inbuilt callbacks editor??

Rob Fletcher (rpf1@york.ac.uk)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 09:43:23 +0000 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Rob Fletcher <rpf1@york.ac.uk> :

On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, Steve Lamont wrote:

> To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) :
> I disagree with this.[having one!]
> Although it might be nice to have something
> which allows you to build callbacks I think having a special callback
> editor would be the wrong approach. Personally I like editing my code
> with emacs -- it has a number of handy features for editing and laying
> out C code the way I like it and I'd not be particularly happy about
> having to learn yet another editor which wold more than likely not
> have anywhere near the complement of features that emacs affords. I'm
> sure there are others who feel similarly about vi (though, I confess I
> have no idea why :-)) or TECO.

I agree with you Steve. If you look at the overhead and baggage with such
GUI builders as XDesigner, UIMS/X etc, then dropping back into your own
comfortable editing environment is a joy!

I suspect that this is the choice of the majority involved in any project
with any degree of complexity. I also do not like the proliferation of
hundreds of small files that these other systems seem to like to create.
Keeping tabs on them is a nightmare, and you are simply forced into
staying in their complete environment - heck, some even chuck in a
C interpreter (and how good is this, one wonders????).

And I bet you typed in your name to the "*" prompt in TECO to see what it
did???? ;-) Did you ever enter the compy to make TECO print out the
letters of the alphabet in the smallest number of commands?



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