XForms: Creating pixmaps

Dick Middleton (dick@sqf.hp.com)
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 12:58:17 GMT

To subscribers of the xforms list from Dick Middleton <dick@sqf.hp.com> :

> To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) :

> > I tried this and it gives up with bad drawable when I do the BLT. I'll try
> > again, maybe I'm doing something else wrong.

> Do you mean the XCopyArea() to draw the Pixmap to the Canvas? How are you
> creating the Canvas? Does it have the same Visual class as the `trailblazer'?

It was a coding error. It works fine using the trailblazer drawable
(fl_default_window in fact).

Diverging slightly - is it possible to create artificial expose events
(assuming it's a sensible concept)? This would be to force the initial draw
using the same mechanism as normal expose redraws.




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