XForms: Problem with the copyright notice

Giorgos Petasis (petasis@estia.iit.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr)
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 11:29:40 +0200 (EET)

To subscribers of the xforms list from petasis@estia.iit.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr (Giorgos Petasis) :

Hi all,
It seems that there is a minor problem, with the message box
that appers, when using alt-mouse 2 button. The message noticing
copyright then appears. But if you press it again one more time,
while the copyright message box is open, the fl_do_forms
STOPS RETURNING OBJECTS! This happens on all forms applications, at
least under SunOs 4.1.2, where i have test it. I know that this is
a tiny, tiny problem, but you never know how the user of an application
will react, when using the app!
PS: This problem appears only to the objects that have no callbacks.
Objects that have callbacks react correctly (that means that callback is

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