Re: XForms: on HP, \n prints black rectangles

Tristan Savatier (
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:22:38 -0800

To subscribers of the xforms list from Tristan Savatier <> :

Dick Middleton wrote:
> wrote :
> > I noticed the following small cosmetic bug under
> > HP-UX 9.05:
> > With version 0.87.5 (and earlier), any multiline
> > message (i.e. containing a \n like in "hello\nworld")
> > appears with a black rectangular square at the
> > end of each line.
> > You can see that on the XForms copyright message
> > (obtaines by ALT+middle button clicking on a form).
> How strange. I've never seen this. I use 9.05 and 9.07 and have used most
> versions of xforms from 0.86..0.88.


Could someone please confirm this bug on HP-UX ?

The easiest way I found for seeing the problem is:

- Start any Xforms-base application or Demo

- Click on the form with CTRL + ALT + MIDDLE-BUTTON

This makes the Xforms copyright form appear.
I can see black rectangles on that form.

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