XForms: XClearWindow and canvas object

Dick Middleton (dick@sqf.hp.com)
Thu, 8 Jan 1998 16:57:03 GMT

To subscribers of the xforms list from Dick Middleton <dick@sqf.hp.com> :

> To subscribers of the xforms list from Tano Fotang <M.Tano@Wirtschaft.FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE> :

> (bounced, a retry)

> help,
> i want to clear a canvas window but XClearWindow doesnt seem
> to have any effect.
> mydisplay= fl_get_display();
> mywindow= FL_ObjWin(myform->canvas);
> and later:
> if(ev->xexpose.count==0)
> XClearWindow(mydisplay, mywindow);
> can anyone help me?

I can't get this to work either. As a workaround I used fl_rectf to draw a
bg colour filled rectangle the size of the window.



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