XForms: Canvas, keystrokes and input object

Tano Fotang (M.Tano@Wirtschaft.FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE)
Thu, 08 Jan 1998 18:31:25 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from Tano Fotang <M.Tano@Wirtschaft.FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE> :

One other headache,

there is a canvas object and an input object object (fl_input..)
on this form. Now i want to type into the input field but the canvas
object steals all keystrokes unless mouse cursor is inside the input
line . The canvas window covers over 90% of the form so mouse focus
is always on it.( the canvas doesnt receive key events.)
Is there a way of letting the canvas window pass key strokes on to
the input object?
bye. fotang.
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