XForms: (comment) oneliners and mouse position

Tano Fotang (M.Tano@Wirtschaft.FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE)
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 14:05:41 -0800

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Tano Fotang <M.Tano@Wirtschaft.FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE> :

an observation:
the objects on the form have posthandlers which desplay
onelines(tips). Now, the label of one object (Obj1)
is updated via idle_cb many times/second. The mouse
is currently on Obj2 and the tip for obj2 is being displayed.
Let the mouse stay on Obj2. result: the tip for Obj1
goes on and off, even though mouse isnt on it.

this looks <cool> but i was just wondering if it is intentional.

/tano, 0.88
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