XForms: clearing the window once again

AMIT BHATNAGAR (amit@cs.dal.ca)
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 11:16:43 -0400 (AST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from AMIT BHATNAGAR <amit@cs.dal.ca> :

can anyone see anything wrong with this?

clear(FL_OBJECT *test, long x)
printf ("In the clear callback\n");
XSetBackground (display, xgc, WhitePixel (display, screen));
XClearWindow(display, fl_get_canvas_id(fdui->viewport));

where FD_gfx *fdui; these
Display *display; are
int screen; global
GC xgc;

my struct:
typedef struct {
FL_FORM *gfx;
FL_OBJECT *viewport;
FL_OBJECT *freeobj;
void *vdata;
long ldata;
} FD_gfx;

and I assign...
display = fl_initialize (argv[0], "project", 0, 0, &argc,argv);

it simply doesn't clear my window..

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