XForms: fl_scale_form & tabbed folder object

Robert S. Mallozzi (mallors@crazyhorse.msfc.nasa.gov)
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 13:09:03 -0600 (CST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "Robert S. Mallozzi" <mallors@crazyhorse.msfc.nasa.gov> :

Hi guys,

I seem to be having a problem getting a tabbed folder object
to scale properly. I usually include an fl_scale_form() in
my xforms apps to account for different sized fonts (especially
on the SGI). If I have a tabbed folder in its own toplevel
form, and I do a fl_scale_form() on that toplevel, the tabbed
folder does not get resized. If I then try to also do an
fl_scale_form() on each of the forms that make up the notebook,
the forms get resized, but the notebook itself does not change
size, and the pages are now cutoff. This can be seen by adding
a couple lines to the demo folder.c

At about line 80:

fl_scale_form( fd_mainform->mainform, 1.5, 1); <== ADDED

At about line 105:

fd_valuatorform = create_form_valuatorform();
fl_scale_form(fd_valuatorform->valuatorform, 1.5, 1); <== ADDED

(The effect is easier to see in the valuator form).
Am I missing something here? Is it a bug, or do I need to
do something else to get the notebook to resize?


Dr. Robert S. Mallozzi
University of Alabama in Huntsville

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