XForms: minor problems with simple counters

Tristan Savatier (tristan@mpegtv.com)
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 22:32:55 -0800

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Tristan Savatier <tristan@mpegtv.com> :

1) The first problem is with fdesign.

Here is how to reproduce it.

Make a counter. Select the counter, open the Attribute dialog,
click on the Spec tab.

Enter an initial value (e.g. 7), do NOT hit return after
typing the 7, and click Accept

Select the Spec tab again. The initial value is reset to 0.

It seems that if you do not hit the <RETURN> key after
typing the initial value, the value typed is ignored.

2) The second problem has to do with the way fdesign
"autosizes" the arrows of counters.

Large counters have square arrows, but for some reason
the arrows become narrower (i.e. not square anymore) when I reduce
the width of the counter.

I want a simple counter to count from 0 to 9. So I want the
size of the display area of the counter to be basically just
wide enough for one digit.

But I want the arrows on each side to be square, even though
the counter is not very large. Basically I want my simple
counter to look like 3 small squares: left arrow, value, right arrow.

This seems to be impossible to get.

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