Re: XForms: resizing a form

Steve Lamont (
Tue, 3 Feb 98 11:52:04 PST

# To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

> > I think he may mean he wants normal behaviour (ie full resizing) as
> > the default behaviour for user interaction, but on occasions wants to
> > achieve the special effect described. So doing it in fdesign isn't
> > giving the required flexibility.
> Yes, that's exactly what I want.

This, I believe, is known as "having your cake and eating it, too"
(which, I confess, is an expression that has always bewildered me --
*of course* I want to eat my cake if I have it -- only an ascetic, an
anorexic, or a masochist would want their cake but not eat
it... however, I digress...).

> [...]
> spl posted some code that does this. I'll have to try it out, but all this
> saving and restoring of gravities seems very ugly. I just want to have the
> objects not adjust their size at all.

I did test it and it worked, at least to a limited extent.

I frankly don't see how you're going to avoid some sort of hack,
either in your code or internal to XForms. The objects need to be
informed in some manner that they are not to be resized. I'm pretty
sure that most X servers do not support the XTelepathy protocol yet. :-)

If it's any consolation, I once had to do a similar hack in a Bloatif
application and it was pretty much equally disgusting.

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